Montage by Splice Flashback: Nostalgic Drama WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 23 December 2023 | 650.44 MB


A journey back in time, a nostalgic feeling heard in every note, a score that brings back memories from a recent past. LA-based composer and multi-instrumentalist Emiliano Mazzenga, accompanies you in this pack with a beautiful collection of saxophones, hardware synths, and some of the best LA string players recorded in the historic Sound Factory-Serenity West studio in Hollywood.

Inspired by black and white film noir crime dramas with a modern spin, Flashback: Nostalgic Drama takes you on a deep emotional journey through and iconic cinematic soundscape that feels melancholy yet familiar.?

Emiliano is an eccentric and curious musical artist with extensive experience writing music for award-winning drama films and tv projects. The sound worlds that Emiliano creates are unique, having an analog and vintage nature, yet modern and fresh feel. He blends elements from different styles and traditions. A choir of saxophones can open the door to a mysterious noir scenario, while some fat drums bring back to mind early 2000’s hip hop vibes. Live strings sing, moan and glide, or sometimes even accompany and sustain lo-fi synths playing reflective motifs. All these elements are cooked together in a very smooth way that makes them classic yet relevant for any current production.

Today, these different paths merge together in this pack giving you an incredible tool box to be used in your own productions. Explore this collection of sounds and get inspired while writing your next dramatic and emotional film music cue, or while adding that organic, and warm vintage sound to your pop or hip hop productions. Get ready to tear up a little and even smile while this melancholic musical journey unfolds.

241 Samples


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