MP4 | 06 July 2016 | 19.71 GB
Ever wanted to learn how I make my music from scratch? Well, now you can. I know that’s a cheesy ass line right there, but it’s true! What I’ve created here in Season 3 of “The Art of Mr. Bill” is 10 episodes, each going for an hour each (obviously totalling in around 10 hours worth of content).
In the first episode, I begin writing a track and in episode 10 (10 hours later), I’m finishing that same track and mastering it. You can see that entire process right before your eyes, with no corners cut.
Course Delivery:
This course is made up of 10 x 1 hour (approx.) videos, each focusing on a new section of the writing process.
By the end of the 10 hour course, you can expect to:
Have a good understanding of how electronic music is written in Ableton Live.
Understand the difference between MIDI and audio (and the different applications and uses for both).
Have a good understanding of how to arrange and finish tracks.
Understand the premise of synthesizing your own sounds.
Understand sampling, when, how and why to do it.
Discover many keyboard shortcuts and other workflow tricks to speed up the writing process.
Be able to tackle the process of writing a track from start to finish in Ableton Live using just a few samples and Ableton Live’s native instruments and effects.
By purchasing this series as a whole, you not only get 10 hours of video content, but you also get the project file split into 10 saves (Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, etc…) so you can open the project files (which have had all 3rd party plugins frozen and been collected and saved) and follow along video by video to really get deep into the step-by-step creation process. On top of this, you will also get the project file for the master I did.
Here’s a few points to consider:
This was the first tune I ever wrote in my new studio in Denver, Colorado.
Considering point 1 – I fucked up the mixdown and the mastering pretty badly in this series, so the version you hear on SoundCloud, YouTube or otherwise (the released version) has been re-mixed AND re-mastered by me. The changes were pretty minimal and nit-picky, it was basically just some things were sticking out too much, and I felt like overall there were too much high’s in the entire piece, so I jus t EQ’d things a bit and changed some levels then ran it through a very similar mastering chain to what you see in Episode 10. It’s just the price I had to pay for this series seems I just moved into a new studio, and I’m not quite used to the room yet. Pro tip: You can never go wrong with A/B’ing. If you’re unsure of your mix, compare it to things that you KNOW sound good, and try to match it as closely as possible (in terms of the balance only). I have decided to only release the project files that were seen in the video, so every piece of information in there has some reference, however, perhaps a cool exercise could be if you try to match my new mixdown/master :)
I (by no means) endorse stealing music and blatantly sampling other artists music, this is purely a technique I use in my own music (coined as ‘microsampling’ by Akufen I believe) to add more flavour to my style.
Feel free to create remixes or VIP’s of this tune, use the samples within it, etc… Just please be sure to credit me if you do.
Please tell other people about this series if you enjoyed it and you think it will help them, as it’s basically my primary source of income these days.
There is occasional loud/heavy breathing noises and such through these videos. It’s due to the compression I add to my microphone because I talk quietly. Furthermore, sorry if you can’t hear my microphone sometimes when I’m playing music at the same time. This happens because I have a sidechain setup to duck the mic volume when music’s playing seems I’m playing my music through speakers and obviously that would sound bad if you’re hearing the system audio as well as the system audio recorded through my mic being played through loudspeakers in a room, so it’s a compromise basically. Producing tutorials is not my forte, production is, so any advice or help here is actually greatly appreciated! In fact, any advice on you think my videos could be improved would be greatly appreciated!