Multi Clip View (Ableton, Max for Live)

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View the state of multiple Clips at the same time
Do you want to simultaneously see what’s going on in multiple clips without having to constantly switching between the different playing clips in Live? The you need that kind of information and interface that other DJ-Software is already providing?

The “Multi Clip View” patch aims to provide you with all the information you need as a DJ and Live Performer using Ableton Live for as many tracks as you want

Multi Clip View (Ableton, Max for Live) screenshot

Key Features
Have an overview of all important information of your playing clips at the same time:
Track & Clip Name
ID3 Tags (if available): Title, Artist, BPM, Key
Playing position and remaining time (visually and as numbers)
Monitor and set Volume, Pan and Track Activator for each track
Browse and launch the next clip directly from the interface (can be MIDI mapped)

Multi Clip View (Ableton, Max for Live) screenshot

FAQ: Can I see waveforms?

Currently, there are certain limitations in MFL that doesn’t make it possible to properly show you waveforms (mainly related to not having access to warping information of the clip). Once these limitations are gone or if I have found a workaround, I’ll definitely try to add this into a future release. As a workaround, you can hit the Clip-Name button in the interface and the Live will show you the waveform in the Detail Clip View (you can then MIDI map to this button).


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