MVPPlatinum Live Vibes West Coast Edition WAV

FANTASTiC | 21 July 2019 | 261 MB


MVP Platinum is incredibly proud to deliver Live Vibes West Coast Edition! We've brought in the top live players in LA and produced them to bring you a product that is truly unique to the market featuring 5 massive separate construction kit ideas that all include keys, synths, live guitar, live drums, live bass, and live percussion. This product represents the styles of Dr. Dre, Kendrick Lamar, and many other West Coast Icons with a live twist to it! This is the A team of musicians delivering you content that you crave backed by the MVP Platinum team's engineers and producers using the best pre amps and converters to deliver a sound that is spectacular. Included are the separate parts, but also you receive a full mix, music mix, tweaked lo-fi mixes, and of course the drums in the drum mix for your pleasure. Mix and match parts, chop them up, drop the loops into your productions to give them new life. With nearly 300MB of top notch content to choose from you can't go wrong.

About MVP Platinum - MVP Platinum is an MVP Loops owned brand dedicated to delivering the highest quality sample library content in the world. Our sounds, loops, and production ideas can be heard in records around the world by the top artists in the industry, and are responsible for millions of records sold constantly appearing on records at the top of the charts. We strive to give you nothing but the best.

Simply put, our sounds help you make hits.


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