TEAM R2R 14.3.2014 | 123.04 MB
Native Instruments has harnessed the power of FM synthesis. The strengths of digital are manifest in FM8’s powerful audio engine which generates breath-taking, brilliantly dynamic FM sound in pristine quality. With its emphasis on ease-of-use, the FM8 brings a high degree of simplicity to the otherwise intricate process of FM synthesis, delivering unsurpassed depth, brilliance, and dynamism. The FM8 embodies the bright, lively sound of FM synthesis. Load patches from classic FM hardware units or use the 960 presets. Innovative features raise FM based synthesis to new levels.
Version 1.3
What's new:
- Advanced integration in MASCHINE 2.0 host software
- Support for AAX2 - Avid's 64-bit plug-in target for Pro Tools 11
- Chunk re-call of certain FM8 sounds broken
- Automation data conversion problems from RTAS to AAX
- Parameters in Easy / Morph Mode not recalled correctly
- Easy / Morph page automation issues
- Crashes while deleting a point of an envelope
- Browser response laggy
- Cannot type into the microtuning preset box
- Preset name of FM matrix not updating
- Misc. minor fixes