bobdule | 19 April 2024 | 1 GB
For 20 years, KONTAKT has been the backbone of countless film scores and pop hits, as well as thousands of incredible instruments from NI and your favorite NKS developers alike. Now, with a new HiDPI browsing experience, an overhauled Factory Library, new creative effects, and under-the-hood audio improvements, the next evolution is nearly here.
7.10.0 _ 2024-04-18
ADDED Electric Grand EQ and tremolo modes to EP Preamps effect
IMPROVED Notification when an Instrument’s license is invalid
IMPROVED Instruments no longer deselect when clicking level meter or blank space in the instrument header when in Single View
FIXED Crash when rapidly switching presets during playback in Logic Pro
FIXED Crash when replacing Daft filter with any other filter with more than 8 voices playing simultaneously
FIXED Step Modulator no longer loses all displayed steps after adjusting parameters
ADDED KSP: Engine parameters for Flex Envelope modulator (number of stages, loop start, loop end, per-stage time, level, slope)
ADDED KSP: Built-in variables for system date and time
IMPROVED KSP: Waveforms in 3D mode of ui_wavetable widget now correctly display wavetable shaper adjustments
IMPROVED KSP: Effect edit panels in Instrument Edit mode now correctly update their UI upon certain engine parameter changes
KNOWN ISSUE Intermittent crashes when Kontakt 7 is used with the following combination: Logic Pro, macOS 14, Kontrol S MK3. Apple are working on a fix for this communication layer crash
KNOWN ISSUE Text fields in Rack View do not receive certain keystrokes whilst the Edit View is shown (macOS only). This issue was introduced in Kontakt 7.9.0, and will be addressed in a future update. Workaround: all keystrokes are received whilst the KSP Script Editor text field is open
KNOWN ISSUE Please note that if you have updated to Kontakt 7.10 from a version before 7.9, you may need to reselect your audio device on first launch (macOS only)
KNOWN ISSUE In Pro Tools, Kontakt window is cropped when zooming larger than available display size
KNOWN ISSUE Crash on launching Kontakt standalone if Canon EOS webcam utility software is installed
This release unlocks All & Custom Libraries pre activated but R2R kyegen (Not Included) is now needed unlike the previous bobdule's release (Thanks Team R2R)
Thanks to bobdule for the supply