Author: Gabriel Mulzer | Last Update: December 15, 2004 | 110.2kB
miGraine / Marlene
artificial formant flavours sans filtre
synthetic micro formant grains ("FOF"), optionally fed into a waveguide resonator
good for orchestral sounds with a notion of human voices, strange "leadpads",
"easy filmscore for the lazy sound designer" type sounds -
dont know how to better describe this -
this synth doesn't use any filters - nor samples - a basic grainlet built from three controllable formants
produces a "natural idendtic" rather clean sound - fixed formants, without any sidebands - artificial flavours -
the resonator adds a more natural "physical modelling" touch, formant modulation, "fractalisation", grain jitter, and multiple unsison grains with resonator detuning in intervals add more complexity
since the formants are fixed independent of pitch the sounds can appear pretty natural ( or better: with an artificial natural touch ) if played with single notes in larger intervals, and with the portamento option on
NB: formant freqeuncies can be adjusted in B view
thanks for your nice comments
version 2.0 has only 2 minor changes : I've added an equalizer as suggested by Rick, and replaced parabol oscilllators with pure sine oscillators,
the difference is hardly noticeable on my equipment, and needs slightly more CPU power now
the eq settings are global for all snapshots, and I recommend to adapt them to your taste - my cheap soundcard distorts the spectrum very much and completely supresses some lower frequencies ..
Special thanks to Gabriel Mulzer who posted this as free on NI's website.