Native Instruments Reaktor 6 v6.2.2 WiN Update Only

VST2, AAX, EXE | AudioZ Exclusive | 150.74 MB


REAKTOR 6 makes advanced sonic experimentation more accessible than ever. Primary and Core Macro libraries are refined for ease of use with new categories and intuitive folder structure. Workflows are now more efficient thanks to a modernized interface, improved structure editing, and a revised property and navigation. Plus, new features like Table Framework, Bundles, and Scoped Buses unlock a new level of power to REAKTOR builders.

6.2.2 — 2018-06-20:
The REAKTOR Core macro library has received a significant update, with many highlights.
ADDED Non-transposed nonlinear Sallen–Key filter
IMPROVED Cleaned up the internal structure of the transposed Sallen–Key filters. The TSK NLA filter sound is slightly changed
ADDED 8-pole ladder filters
ADDED A completely reworked set of shelving filters
ADDED 6- and 8-pole bandpass Butterworth filters
ADDED 2nd kind (resonating) Butterworth filters
ADDED A completely reworked set of crossover macros
ADDED Configurable notch count for phasers
ADDED Thru-zero phaser and flanger, barberpole phaser and flanger, harmonic phaser
ADDED Asymmetric overdrive. Antialiased versions of symmetric and asymmetric overdrives
ADDED Bit and sample rate reduction effects
ADDED Compressor
ADDED Tempo and transport position synced LFO
ADDED LFO toolkit
ADDED Zero-crossing detector event processing macro
IMPROVED CPU consumption of the Delay and ZDF Delay macros (slightly)
FIXED Wrong phase deviation value at the output of the Phase Splitter macro inside the Freq Shift macro
FIXED Some of the Math macros were sending initialization even in cases where they shouldn’t have
FIXED xy2polar and toPolar macros now handle zero input
FIXED OSX 10.13 - APFS formatted drives now show up in the browser

Thanks quadcore64 for the tip


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