Native Instruments Reaktor 6 v6.4.0 WiN

Standalone, AAX*, VST | July 31, 2020 | 99,86 MB


REAKTOR 6 makes advanced sonic experimentation more accessible than ever. Primary and Core Macro libraries are refined for ease of use with new categories and intuitive folder structure. Workflows are now more efficient thanks to a modernized interface, improved structure editing, and a revised property and navigation. Plus, new features like Table Framework, Bundles, and Scoped Buses unlock a new level of power to REAKTOR builders.

Release Notes:
6.4.0 — 2020-07-23
? User Blocks for Racks.
? ADDED Users of the full version of REAKTOR 6 can load User Blocks into Racks
? ADDED Users of REAKTOR 6 Player can load User Blocks in Demo mode (muted after
30 minutes)
? ADDED User Blocks are stored in the Rack file with a reference to their file path
? ADDED Missing User Blocks are displayed when loading a Rack and can be relocated
? ADDED User Block root directory to allow relative file paths and enable sharing
of Racks between users
? ADDED Browse for User Blocks via the Library Tab and via the Quick Search Box on Panel
? ADDED Relocate additional User Blocks in same directory
? ADDED Custom User Blocks directory in preferences
? ADDED Block relocation page with scrollbar for too many blocks
? ADDED New Patching with Blocks manual including comprehensive information about
using Blocks in Racks and Ensembles
? CHANGED Clean up Preferences Directory Tab
? CHANGED Show Custom User Blocks directory in the Library and Player tabs
? CHANGED Appearance of Sub Instruments in Blocks for Racks
? CHANGED Enhance UX/UI for Instrument not Found page
? CHANGED Allow Blocks with sub-instruments
? CHANGED Rack files store and load User Blocks with path relative to User Blocks
root directory
? CHANGED Appearance of sub-instruments in Rack changed (not on panel, not in panel
sets, not in Midi connection drop down)
? FIXED CRASH - on changing table size
? IXED CRASH - on relocation of ISM with special characters
? FIXED CRASH - on relocation of instruments with sub instruments in Rack
? FIXED CRASH - on using the Quick Search in Rack Mode
? FIXED CRASH - when trying to relocate a wrong ISM for a Rack
? FIXED CRASH - ASIO card swapping crashes Reaktor
? FIXED CRASH - On Audio Device Sample Rate Change by other App
? FIXED CRASH - on duplicating 2 instruments after selection on panel
? FIXED On Panel: Hitting delete Key while Panel Element was selected deleted its
connctions in strucuture
? FIXED Splitter/Handle in Panel Sets and Snapshot tabs did not remember its position
in HostChunk, Ensemble and Rack file
? FIXED Mac only: after one time use of editing fields keyboard input is faulty
? FIXED Demo Dialog should be user resizable and be resized to maximum on popup
? FIXED User Blocks with PID can not be relocated
? FIXED Delete Key deletes all wires connected to a Panel Element if it is selected
? FIXED Browser needs longer for scanning big ensemble files
? FIXED Saving Rack file with references to Blocks from absolute path show missing
Blocks on reload
? FIXED UI Glitch, Panel Wires drawn in Side-pane + Toolbar
? FIXED Loading Time increased x3 for Ensembles like flesh
? FIXED Rack file doubles up Midi Notes sent and received from and to instruments
? FIXED Flickering Rack Panel UI when drag&drop Blocks from Browser
? FIXED Rack Bank and Sub Bank does not affect saving process / dialog
? FIXED Ensemble Name editable on panel although header invisible
? FIXED Subinstrument still visible in panel when loaded into rack
? FIXED Changed Flag not set on Storing Snapshot via ST Input of Snapshot Module
? FIXED Properties snapshot Id for Files value stays hierarchically relative unique on
? FIXED Save Rack behaves like Save Rack As

Install Notes:
Just install and enjoy!

* - only 64 bit


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