NCH Zulu DJ Software Masters Edition 3.51

2015 | WIN | 3.73 MB


Zulu virtual DJ software is the complete DJ software solution for amateur and professional DJs. Powerful features united with an easy to use interface makes mixing your favorite tracks easy. Zulu lets you mix your music live whilst applying effects on the fly.

Your songs will always stay on the beat with Zulu's advanced, automatic beat detection. Load a track onto a deck and Zulu D J software can automatically scan the file for a beat, assign a beat per minute (BPM), and change the tempo in the second deck for perfect synchronization.

Drag and drop your music anywhere in Zulu DJ Software, and preview upcoming tracks before they play. Zulu DJ Software also supports all the latest audio file formats so playing your music is never a problem.

- Automatic beat detection
- Synchronization between the decks
- Cross fade between two tracks
- Apply effects in real-time including distortion and reverb
- Real-time pitch and tempo control
- Supports the formats wav, mp3, wma and more
- AutoPlay for seamless transitions, hands-free, with optional shuffle mode
- Record DJ mixes and save as an audio file
- Tap your space bar to the beat to set the BPM manually, or input your own BPM value for greater control
- Loop sections within a track and synchronize to the BPM
- Add or record samples to the sample bank
- Use keyboard 'Hot Keys' to control Zulu DJ Mixer
- Use cue point markers to adjust the track starting point
- Preview tracks with separate output for DJ headphones
- Can be used with any USB DJ Mixing Console

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