Nine Volt Audio Big Bad Bass Guitar WAV REX2

WAV REX2 | 700.22 MB


Big Bad Bass Guitar is a collection of rough and tumble low-end riffs, lines and progressions designed to be the backbone of any modern or hardrock song.

Big Bad Bass Guitar supplies companion lines for every suite in Nine Volt Audios Big Bad Guitars and Big Bad Guitars Direct and goes beyond with parts for 14 other tracks. Heavy hooks with tunings as low as Drop-C, parts played with a pick and fingerstyle, and a huge selection of toolbox bass patterns, muted strums and slides are all designed to get tracks from here-to-there with realism and ease.

All parts were recorded on a Fender Precision Bass using an amp tone that was chosen to work right out-of-the-box, while still allowing for tonal customization. And forget the constraints of tempo: as part of the BPM Flex Series, Big Bad Bass Guitar allows every REX-based loop to be used at virtually any tempo with no artificial stretching or audio artifacts. This allows for seamless mixing-and-matching of parts across the entire collection.

So if you already own Big Bad Guitars, need some low-end inspiration or simply have a track that needs an injection of deep attitude, Big Bad Bass Guitar is ready to set the foundation.


" especially flexible solution and you won't have any trouble at all producing a convincing bass part. All of the loops are high-quality, 24-bit recordings of live players, with a very solid and rocking tone. The tempo ranges from 80 to 160 BPM (although tempo isn't much of an issue if you're using one of the stretch-happy formats, such as REX or Apple Loops)." Computer Music Magazine


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