Ondes v1.0 IOS

Ondes v1.0 IOS


Ondes is an extraordinarily fun and expressive musical instrument for iPad.

Inspired by early electronic instruments such as the Ondes Martenot and the Theremin, Ondes emulates the fluid playing style of those classic instruments with an interface and synthesis engine firmly grounded in the present day.

Whether you’re gliding through melodies & chord changes or creating dense polyphonic sci-fi soundscapes, Ondes is an instrument unlike any you’ve played before.

Recommended for use with headphones or external speakers.

Ondes is the latest music app from Olympia Noise Co., developer of App Store Editor's Choice* Chordion.

◆◆◆◆ Expressive Playing Surface ◆◆◆◆

Slide freely between notes, Ondes doesn’t limit you to the keys on a keyboard.

Adjustable note snapping for ultimate flexibility in playing style and ease of use.

Vertical movements change volume, adding dynamic possibility to your music.

More polyphony than you have fingers!

One and half octave keyboard range moveable from C1 to F#6.

Guidelines in any major or minor key.

◆◆◆◆ Unique Synthesis Engine ◆◆◆◆

Morphing wavetable oscillator with five wavetable sets.

Wavetable modulation sources include y-axis, sine wave, noise, circle, and ADSR envelope.

Resonant low pass filter.

Filter modulation sources include ADSR envelope, sine wave, and y-axis.

Amplifier section with master volume and ADSR envelope.

◆◆◆◆ Effects ◆◆◆◆

Large selection of reverb types with adjustable amount.

Delay effect adjustable level, feedback, time and filter.

◆◆◆◆ Beautiful Design ◆◆◆◆

Visualization of synthesis parameters makes for fun and intuitive editing of parameters.

Clutter free screen lets you focus on making music.

Built-in Manual

Audiobus and interapp audio included. Record directly to Garageband and other audio apps on your iPad.

Supports Audiobus State-Saving

* Chordion: App Store Editor's Choice in 23 Countries, App Store Best of 2013, Innovative Music Apps, China, Japan, and South Korea.

Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPad.

官网: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ondes-expressive-electronic/id898059305?mt=8

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