Organic Loops Jazz and Lounge Guitar WAV REX

FANTASTiC 14 November 2015 | 319 MB


Organic Loops are proud to present Lounge Guitars – a collection of silky-smooth guitar licks and laid-back melodic turnarounds, destined to bring soul and character to your compositions. Each part has been recorded using state of the art equipment, giving you high fidelity versatility - while maintaining the vintage, warm and natural sound of the lounge Blues guitar.

Lounge Guitars has been crafted to supply you with expertly-played content, organised into a structure which reflects specific musical keys and tempos. All of the sounds were recorded using a matched pair of u87s through Rupert Neves’ Portico II channels to give the rich `plummy’ Jazz guitar sound. It’s almost Rhodes-esque in character and will sit beautifully as the bedrock to Jazzy House and Deep Jazz sounds. Busting with over 500Mb of content, Lounge Guitars is sure to have everything you need to escape the soul auctioneer.

In detail expect to find 300 Wav loops, consisting of 186 Lead Solo Loops and 114 Turnaround Loops (chord progressions). Each of the Loops are organised into four easily accessible tempos (90, 100, 124 and 130 BPM), and have been carefully ordered into Major and Minor Musical Keys (Major Keys: A, B, Bb, C, D, E, Eb, F, G and Minor Keys: Am, Bm and Cm). This convenient structure will allow you to immediately build a song structure, or simply to drop the Lounge Guitars sounds directly into your existing music.

Some advice from our resident Guitarist: Use both the leads and progressions in your productions on separate tracks and try moving the Solos around the chord progressions to create interesting and diverse harmonies. They sometimes move over the 1 and 4 but that’s Jazz!


  • 24Bit 44.1KHZ
  • 186 Lead Loops
  • 300 Rex2 Files
  • 114 Turnaround Loops


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