Overloud BREVERB 2 v2.1.7 MacOSX-R2R

TEAM R2R 2014.03.15 | 7.63 MB


Breverb is a hi-end algorithmic reverberation plug-in that aims to faithfully recreate the sound of revered hardware reverbs while keeping CPU load very low.

Breverb comprises four different algorithms, Hall, Room, Plate and Inverse, each one accurately modeled and engineered "with no compromises in sound quality". Breverb's no frills hardware-like user interface gives you immediate control over all of the parameters, allowing you to dynamically map parameters to six assignable controllers and to store, recall and automate presets in any way you want.

Features at a glance
7 main Algorithms: Hall, Room, Plate, Inverse, Spaces small, Spaces large and Sources.
Algorithms for any application: from mixing to post-production or from classic tones to modern and creative tones.
More than 50 ambient spaces recreated.
More than 270 factory presets, covering any kind of ambience or application, designed by top-notch sound engineers.
Modeled after the most sought-after hardware units.
Each algorithm is engineered with no compromises in the sound for maximum quality.
Full EQ section to tailor the frequency response of the reverb.
Extended Nonlinear section to creatively shape your reverberation.
"Motion" parameters add liveness, musicality and the "air movement" of a real room.
BREVERB 2 emulates the analog output section of the hardware unit, making BREVERB 2 truer to the sound of the originals.
Two different user interface modes: a compact interface or a hardware-like interface.
Six fully assignable and automatable hardware-like faders.
Full automation through host sequencers.
Multilevel undo/redo.
Real-time MIDI control of any paramters through the six faders.
No additional latency introduced!
Extremely low CPU usage: 120 stereo instances can be opened on a Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro without any glitches or dropouts!
Host-sync of all rates and times.

官网: http://www.overloud.com/products/breverb2.php

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