PG Music Band-in-a-Box 2024 Update Build 1114 with Activated Patch WiN

P2P | 18 September 2024 | 761 MB


Band-in-a-Box is an intelligent automatic accompaniment program for your multimedia computer. You can hear and play along to many song ideas and go from "nothing" to "something" in a very short period of time with Band-in-a-Box as your “on demand” backup band.

Summary of Changes (build 1114) (Aug 30, 2024)

Added: New feature "remembered" style name now available as a menu item in StylePicker. (style is remembered when song loaded, song saved, or set in menu item on stylepicker)
Added: right click menu on StylePicker with common items.
Fixed: Picker could have an exception sometimes if no items were in list.
Fixed: Typo on stylepicker, said : 'Select Files types to Render'.
Fixed: Rebuild dialog enhanced, now rebuilds all picker lists, and also saves new folder locations for use by plugin and RealBand too.
Fixed: Picker updates various lists like loops, usertracks with each rebuild in stylepicker now.
Fixed: StylePicker doesn't change tempo unless user changes it. Was previously changing it if resized dialog sometimes.
Fixed: Rebuild dialog in the StylePicker doesn't rebuild by simply typing part of a folder name, need to press update now.
Fixed: Peaks folders created by REAPER DAW wont be mis-indentified as RealDrums.
Fixed: Pasting an area of RealTracks sometimes pasting at wrong location.
Fixed: Tracks window selected regions sometimes not working with copy/paste from PartGen dialog.
Fixed: Some instructions for REAPER weren't correct if path name was large.
Fixed: Copying rests using H key wasn't working in some cases.
Fixed: StylePicker menu items added, rebuild dialog enhanced and other StylePicker enhancements.
Fixed: RealCharts weren't saved for RealBand RealCharts for drums on non-drums track.
Fixed: Bar Settings utility track changes added to song.txt for opening sgu songs.
Fixed: Edit > Delete Bars might ask user to select RealTracks.
Fixed: Edit > Normalize/Amplify/Transpose remembers previous user parameter.
Fixed: Generating partial region might not work if no track region is selected.
Fixed: Snap to beat was not working properly.
Fixed: M4A files wouldn't work if used for RealTracks, RealDrums, etc.
Fixed: Plugin and RealBand: no error when StylePicker opened and style specified didn't exist.
Updated: Manual, help file, various dialog tweaks

DAW Plugin 6.3.8 release notes

Fixed: Disabled track is included in playback
Fixed: Deleting all stems should not notify of related stems
Fixed: Clearing empty tracks removes the track name
Fixed: RealDrums from 'Recently Used' not loading correctly
Fixed: No Utility tracks when loading .SGU or .MGU
Fixed: Stylepicker does not open if previously used style is missing
Fixed: Generating Drum track from Options menu will generate wrong track

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