MacOSX|64 Bit|7MB
PT Prefs is a utility program for Mac OSX which can delete / backup / restore various preference and support files - Pro Tools preference trashing in other words! It doesn't delete any essential system files, they are all just settings which at worst can be manually re-entered. Sometimes Pro Tools benefits from having these files cleared out (after a crash/blackout etc) - Pro Tools remakes them with default settings when it is run next. Therefore if you are unsure which options to check it is safe to check them all, in fact if you are running this software due to a problem rather than as a matter of course I would recommend trashing all preferences, it's more likely to solve the problem.
Release notes:
1.7.0 Early release of 64 bit version (plugins page not ready) due to issues with newer versions of MacOS. Previous version still available in case of problems. Also added warning for deleting plugin list with Pro Tools Ultimate