Phonics Audio HardWired v0.0.1.0 X64 X86 VST WiN [FREE]

x64 x86, vst win, 50mb


Introducing Phonics Hardwired - a toolset of 2 controller plugins and a drum synth.

You may be aware of my guitar to synth products 2SYN. This is a new application. This synth only needs a regular electric guitar, not a hexaphonic pickup. It's quasi-polyphonic, favouring the last played/loudest note. The synth is basic and heavy in my opinion. The pitch detection is a heavily filtered zero crossing counter for each string. It has 2 modes - mono and quasi poly. In mono only one note will sound at a time, and in poly it will let you play more than one string.

To use it:

Hopefully you just need to adjust the 'gain' knob and multiplier underneath for the level coming from your soundcard. More controls are exposed, if you use it you can get familiar with these.
Your pickup (I've only tried humbuckers) should be bridge with tone and volume all the way up. It will help to skew the bridge pickup by making high E as close to the strings as possible, and low E as far away as possible.

drum CTRL
This is a drum kit for X-Box controller or PlayStation 3&4 controller. It's got a real simple/intuitive layout. Sorry not quite finished yet. You can play a drum kit with a gaming controller. Hope it's fun. I think it is a bit addictive.

To use it:

An XBox controller will need to be installed on your computer. Windows 10 will automatically do this if you plug a controller in, lower Win versions need Microsoft XInput driver installed.
A PlayStation 3 or 4 controller needs a driver made by SCP, get it here: - after that is installed, the Xbox controller XInput driver is necessary as per your Win version installed.

This is a basic drum synth with necessary features. Sorry I haven't written the presets/drum sounds yet. Use is straightforward.

Hope you like these and enjoy all the new technology.

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