FANTASTiC | 28 April 2024 | 28 KB
my good friend hirihiri gave me the idea to whip up an LFO device that changes it's frequency correspondently to the incoming MIDI note frequency for example, if you play an A4 in MIDI, the LFO will oscillate at 440hz.
the little menu under 'Rel LFO Freq' changes the frequency of the oscillator:
'normal' plays the same frequency as the MIDI note frequency so if you play A4, the LFO will also oscillate at 440hz and 'half' plays the 1/10 of the MIDI note frequency (I know the wording is weird) so if you play A4, the LFO will oscillate at 44hz
It probably works best monophonically (like for basses or leads) since there's only one modulation oscillator on the device, but be creative! the video above has some sound examples!
Hope this device helps spark some ideas!
also lmk if you have any problems opening the device
(works with Live 10++!)