Prime Loops Crates & Breaks WAV

WAV | AudioZ Exclusive | 172.15 MB


Unique 275MB selection of fat & smooth Hip Hop Drum Breaks, incl. Drum Hits, Instrument Stabs, Chord Progressions & more, perfectly capturing the true essence of Golden Era Hip Hop!

Prime Loops diggin the crates once again! Take it back to the golden age with our latest essential collection of cool, smooth & jazzy Drum Breaks, Drum Hits & Instrumental Samples, perfectly capturing the true essence of sample based Hip Hop and crate digging!

After the incredible success of our Soulful Hip Hop release we're immensely proud to present you our next Hip Hop Masterpiece, lovingly created by Prime Loops' resident producer whizz-kid RiggleBeats! If you're looking for that true and dusty vintage Hip Hop Sound then Crates N Breaks will put a real smile on your face!

These vibrant and truly characteristic Hip Hop drum loops and one-shot samples have been heavily inspired by the golden era of Hip Hop, but could equally be used by creative producers to create Soulful R&B, Trip Hop, D&B, Ambient & Chill, Pop, Funk and Rare Groove.

This unique selection of royalty free Hip Hop Drum Loops, Drum One-Shot Samples, Instrument Stabs, FX Sounds and Instrument Loops comes in Acid Wav, Rex2 and Apple Loops formats, simply select your prefered format during checkout and get in the flow - with Crates N Breaks!


60 x real Hip Hop Drum Breaks
32 x Hats & Percussion Loops

Drum One-Shots:

21 x Kicks
37 x Claps & Snares
28 x Hi Hats & Shakers
7 x Percussion & Toms

Extra Treats:

14 x Vinyl Crackles & Tape Sounds
14 x Misc FX & Instrument Stabs
11 Melodic Loops, incl. Rhodes Licks, Horn Stabs, Live Basses & more

87 - 95Bpm

24Bit Audio

This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member iZed
Thank you for supporting AudioZ!


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