ProducerTech Complete Guide to Wavetable TUTORiAL-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 16 Sep 2019 | 894.4MB


Ableton’s stunning new synth Wavetable, only surfacing recently in Live 10, is already making huge waves with its powerful engine and engaging graphic interface. On this course from certified trainer Rob Jones, you’ll be shown how to create a number of presets in step-by-step fashion, and in doing so will learn how each section of the instrument works and an array of techniques for using them to create quality patches of your own. You’ll also get a series of free bonus tutorials on another new Live 10 device, Echo, which show how to add interesting textures and processing to the Wavetable patches made on the course.

After a brief overview, Rob dives straight in to looking at some simple examples of oscillator modulation and waveshaping, demonstrating how impressive sounds can be made with relative ease. He then develops the sound with other sections of the synth, to improve students’ understanding of the device and as a gentle introduction to designing sounds. The subsequent modules then move into more advanced territory, looking at increasingly complex and layered modulation techniques, used to create a Neuro Bass patch, a Spacey Plucked Lead and a Glitchy Rhythmic Sequence.

Although the bulk of the course is dedicated to Wavetable, there are 40 mins of bonus lessons on Echo, a fantastic new delay in Live 10. Rob uses Echo to add an extra dimension to lead and bass patches, making use of many of the unique features on the effect, such as modulation and mid/side mode. All modules are divided into shorter lessons, making digestion of lesson content and future referencing a great deal easier.

Signing up gets you instant access to the streamed tutorials, plus all the projects and 10 Wavetable presets made on the course. Free sample modules are available directly on the course page, as an example of the lesson style and content, which will ensure a significant improvement to your knowledge of wavetable synthesising and sound design.

Module 1 - Overview

A tour through the graphic user interface, including filter routing, modulators and global controls.

Module 2 - Oscillator Modulation I

An explanation of Wavetable Synthesis, showing some simple examples of oscillator envelope modulation and waveshaping.

Module 3 - Adding Sub and Filtering

Using the sub and filter sections to add bass and shape the frequencies of sound over time.

Module 4 - Oscillator Modulation II - Neuro Bass

Some more complex examples of oscillator modulation, including looped envelopes, stacked or summed modulation, pulse width modulation and sync, and changed to global matrix timing.

Module 5 - Stereo Pad Design

Modulating oscillators to create stereo effects, and using them to form different textures across the stereo field.

Module 6 - Rhythmic Glitch Preset

A final patch design demonstration, showing how to create an FX loop preset.

Module 7 - Final Presets - Bonus Tips

Some comments on additional course presets, including shaped, sync'd LFO modulation and multiple amp envelope usage.

Module 8 - Bonus Echo Tutorials I

An introduction to Echo, starting with a look at delay timing and graphic controls.

Module 9 - Bonus Echo Tutorials II

A look at reverb and other stereo effects within Echo.

Module 10 - Bonus Echo Tutorials III

Using Echo's Modulation and Character tabs.


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