ProducerTech EQ Fundamentals TUTORiAL-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 16 Sep 2019 | 1.15GB


Equalisation is one of the most essential skills to master when mixing a track, and having a solid understanding of the core principles that govern its usage is tantamount to creating a professional-sounding mix. On this course from certified trainer Rob Jones, you’ll be taken through each of the fundamentals of EQ, so you come away armed with the knowledge and direction you need to confidently apply equalisation in your music.

As EQ is about shaping frequencies, many areas of the course focus on the composition of sounds, to help students fully understand each part of the frequency spectrum and what exactly it contributes to different musical parts. The course is peppered with a multitude of ‘frequency demos’, as well as practical production examples, to ensure a thorough grasp of frequencies is attained.

Once all the key aspects of spectral content and main types of EQ have been taught, there are lessons showing how to EQ a number of different sounds in a track, both independently and with respect to one another. Sources shown include vocals, guitar parts, bass, piano, organs and other accompaniment. There is also a module dedicated to drums, which conveys some important considerations for EQing your kick drum, snare and cymbals, as well as the whole kit together on a drums buss.

A specific focus is also given to mixing bass, with a module looking at a number of different kick and bass combinations, to help with achieving the all important tight bottom end.

After covering EQ on the master channel, the course wraps up with a summary of the provided practice material, which includes 2 separate sets of stems, given both as raw audio and mixed and unmixed projects for a number of the main DAWs. With this wealth of material, plus a multiple choice assessment at the end of the course, students can be assured they’ll have everything necessary to progress their EQ skills to the next level!

Module 1 - Introduction to Frequencies

Two demonstrations showing the composition of sounds in terms of frequencies, and how various complex sounds can be manipulated with EQ to become much simpler ones.

Frequency Demo #1 - Turning noise into a single pitch - 02.58

Frequency Demo #2 - Turning a piano into a sine wave - 02.30

Module 2 - EQ Controls

A series of lessons teaching the various controls available on different types of EQ, including gain, frequency and Q, as well as a look at the different types of EQ band.

Lesson 1 - Simple 3-Band EQ - 03.44

Lesson 2 - Parametric Bands - 05.12

Lesson 3 - EQ Curve, Shelving & Filters - 03.16

Module 3 - EQ in isolation

Two lessons showing different approaches to EQing a bass guitar, with one focussed more on boosting and the other attenuating frequencies.

Example #1 - Mainly Boosting - 03.11

Example #2 - Mainly Attenuating (Reducing) - 03.12

Module 4 - Frequency Demo #3

A demonstration of frequency overloading when similar bands of frequencies combine.

Combining the Piano and Sine Wave - 02.57

Bonus Module 4a - The Frequency Spectrum Explained

A more detailed look at the Frequency Spectrum, including a demonstration of sine waves with octave spacings, an analysis of a more complex tuned percussion sample and a breakdown of low, mids and highs.

Frequency Spectrum Focus - 07.34

Module 5 - EQ with respect to other parts

Some examples of using EQ to shape the frequencies of sounds with respect to one another.

Intro - 02.09

Example #1 - Vocal & Guitar - 02.56

Example #2 - Organ and Guitar - 04.49

Module 6 - EQing Drums

Tips for applying EQ to individual and grouped drums.

Individual Drum EQ #1 - Kick - 04.22

Individual Drum EQ #2 - Snare - 03.36

Individual Drum EQ #3 - Hat - 01.50

Group or Drum Buss EQ - 05.16

Module 7 - Common EQ Practices

A few common objectives when using EQ, to help guide a workflow and provide solid aims to work towards.

EQ Objectives - 06.42

Module 8 - EQing Kick and Bass

A detailed lesson focussing on low frequencies and the considerations for using EQ on kick and bass parts in heavy sub bass Trap.

Lesson 1 - Kicks and Groove Intro - 08.19

Lesson 2 - EQing the Kicks and Sub - 10.20

Lesson 3 - More Sub Tweaks and Lows Focus Tip - 05.50

Module 9 - EQ on the Master Channel

Some pointers for using EQ to shape the entire mix.

Master Channel EQ - 07.20

Module 10 - EQ In The Mix

A realtime mixdown EQ session, working through every part in the second set of stems to fully sculpt the sound of a dense and melody-laden mix.

Lesson 1 - Pre Mix Analysis - 03.23

Lesson 2 - Drums EQ - 08.28

Lesson 3 - Bass EQ - 05.46

Lesson 4 - Vocal and Piano EQ - 08.52

Lesson 5 - Organ EQ - 04.57

Lesson 6 - Strings EQ - 04.39

Lesson 7 - Guitar EQ - 08.58

Lesson 8 - Drum Buss EQ - 07.23

Lesson 9 - Master EQ - 05.26


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