Punkademic Ear Training & Aural Skills, Part 3: Melodies TUTORiAL(updated 4/2022)

P2P | 27 January 2023 | 2.82 GB


Ear Training and Aural Skills is the practice of learning to play music by ear, learning to notate music by ear, and learning to understand music on a deeper level just by hearing it. In this class we are going to learn techniques for listening, analyzing, and notating music (writing it down) just by listening. Perfect Pitch is not required.

If you don't know me, I've published a lot of music theory classes here. Those classes have been really successful, and the number one request I've been getting from students is to make an Ear Training sequence of classes. So here it is! This series will have 6 parts:

?Part 1: Rhythms
?Part 2: Intervals
?Part 3: Melodies (This one!)
?Part 4: Diatonic Harmony
?Part 5: Chromatic Melodies
?Part 6: Chromatic Harmony

Each of these classes comes with about 4 hours of training, and a LOT of things to practice with. And of course, access to me with any questions you have at any time.

Here is a list of some of the topics we will cover in this class (Part 3, melodies):
?Identifying phrases rather than individual notes
?Looking for "Pillars" in a melody as anchor points.
?Using Scales and Scale Fragments to help identify a series of notes.
?Identifying certain scales that will be helpful to melodic dictation.
?Working with chords and arpeggios
?Identifying a chord outline and implied harmony
?Notating a Melody by Ear
?27 Unique melodies to practice with (including downloadable files)
?And Much, Much, More!

官网: https://bit.ly/3JleKHg

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