Puremagnetik Mark One Brooklyn MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 21 Jul 2017 | Ableton Live: 343.3MB |
Logic: 341.3MB | KONTAKT: 340.4MB


Mark One Brooklyn | Electric Rhodes Circa '75
Mark One Brooklyn is collection 24-bit instruments and loops sampled from the Rhodes Mark One. It has been programmed as an Ableton Live Pack, Kontakt Instrument and Logic library.

Sampled more for its character and less for its perfection, the Mark One Brooklyn brings a flavor all its own to the studio or stage. This release also includes over 60 audio loops played by professional jazz, funk and R&B keyboardists.

The Ableton Live version of Mark One Brooklyn also includes 5 custom built amp and speaker emulations in Ableton Rack format.

Amp Types Include
? Chazzus Amp - This jazzy amp highlights the bright attack of the hammered tines, while the chorus tone gives the sustaining notes a sense of motion.
? Phansder Amp - A classic guitar amp with tough compression and gritty tube saturation feeding a colorful phaser to achieve a wet and dirty tone.
? Taxi Amp - Gentle tremolo amp.
? Wowow Amp - This talking amp uses light compression, and a sensitive wah pedal effect to create a very dynamic and expressive sound. The wah pedal is also synchronized to rock back and forth in tempo.
? Echo Amp - A simulated tape delay inserted after the amp and cabinet model. Increasing the feedback will also raise the filter frequency to avoid overloading the upper mids.

The Mark One Brooklyn Features
? 24 bit Multisampled Rhodes Mark I
? Over 60 Audio Loops
? 5 Amp and Cabinet Models for Ableton Live
? Easy Edit KSP Control Panels for Kontakt
? Macro Mapping and Advanced Rack Functions for Ableton Live

? Ableton Live 9 and higher or Kontakt 5 or higher or Logic 10 and higher
? 350 MB of free disk space

官网: https://puremagnetik.com/products/mark-one-fender-rhodes-ableton-live-pack-kontakt-instrument-apple-logic-samples

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