Puremagnetik Mark Two Berlin MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 21 Jul 2017 | Ableton Live: 445.2MB |
Logic: 510.4MB | KONTAKT: 0.97MB


Mark Two Berlin | Das Fender Rhodes, Arm aber Sexy
Mark Two Berlin is a distinctively unique and versatile instrument recorded from a restored Fender Rhodes MKII. It was salvaged from a Berlin collector and brought back to life after many months of restoration.

It joins Puremagnetik’s Mark One Brooklyn in a league of electric piano instruments with a charm all their own - for those seeking real world character over perfection.

The Mark Two Berlin had 21 pickups completely replaced with new ones, a few damper replacements and multiple tine adjustments and tunings. It was routed direct into a Zen modded Golden Age Pre 73 and recorded chromatically with 3 velocity layers per key.

The Ableton Live Pack, Logic and Kontakt versions all come with 60 looped clips. The Live version includes MIDI clips while the Logic and Kontakt instruments contain Apple Loops.

Mark Two Berlin Includes:
? An expertly multi-sampled Rhodes Mark II instrument
? An Ableton Live Pack with easy-edit Push-ready macros
? A collection of professionally performed looped clips
? 60 SIAL and Apple Loops for Logic Pro
? Custom KSP Kontakt interface for easy editing

System Requirements
? Requires Ableton Live 9.1 and higher, Logic 10 and higher, or Kontakt 5 and higher
? 700 Megabytes (MB) of free hard disk space

官网: https://puremagnetik.com/products/fender-rhodes-mark-two-ableton-live-pack-kontakt-instrument-apple-logic-samples

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