PUREMIX Fab Dupont Mastering Case Study TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | Oct 16 2018 | 513 MB


Mastering can be an elusive subject, but it doesn’t have to be. The streaming age has declared war on the loudness war itself with new LUFS standards, allowing you to maximize the dynamic range of your masters without compromising the size and punch of your mixes in order to stay competitive.

In this Mastering Case Study, Grammy Award Winning Engineer, Fab Dupont, masters a single for the artist “Effee”, and shows you how to:

Set up Pro Tools for true before and after mastering comparisons
Read dynamic range and LUFS meters
Increase low-end definition with high pass filtering
De-clutter mud and remove harsh frequency buildups with M/S EQ
Open the top end on mixes without adding harshness
Add weight to the bottom end without adding mud

While learning how to make great sounding masters, you’ll also learn about Spotify and other streaming platform’s LUFS Standards as well as how to maximize the dynamic range on your masters.

After you’ve seen how Fab does it, download the original mix and practice what you’ve learned. You’ll also receive versions 1.0 and the louder 2.0 masters that Fab did to compare your work.

官网: https://www.puremix.net/video/fab-dupont-mastering-case-study.html

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