PUREMIX Matt Ross-Spang Episode 11 Mixing Thats Love Part 1 TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | Sept 13 2020 | 466 MB


After two days of tracking at the Legendary "Sam Phillips Recording" in Memphis, Tennessee, Matt Ross-Spang, Eli "Paperboy" Reed, The Hodges Brothers, The Masqueraders, and Ken Coomer have created two soulful songs that are ready for the mixing desk.

In this episode, Matt and Eli pull up the multitrack for "That's Love" and create the final mix.

See how Matt Ross-Spang:

Breaks down his philosophy on hybrid mixing
Explains how he preps his sessions for mixing
Shows his technique for processing the drum kit as a whole, instead of individual microphones
Sculpts the bass guitar for the perfect amount of clarity and body without stepping on the kick drum
Explains why gain staging for fader resolution can help when you start to automate
Explains why voltage peaks can cause clipping before your meters show you, and how he deals with them during the mix using his Spectrasonics V610s
Blends in his Fairchild 670 on the 2 Bus
Tries his Fultone tube tape echo on the vocal
Patches in the plate reverb at Sam Phillips Recording
Sets up a parallel compressor on the drum kit and explains converter offset and how to compensate for it
Join Matt Ross-Spang, Eli "Paperboy" Reed, The Hodges Brothers, Ken Coomer, and The

Masqueraders inside the legendary Sam Phillips Recording in Memphis, TN, for an incredible recording event, from Start To Finish. Only on pureMix.net

官网: https://www.puremix.net/video/start-to-finish-matt-ross-spang-episode-11-mixing-thats-love-part-1.html

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