PUREMIX Start to Finish Greg Wells Episode 10 Mixing Rev2 TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | Feb 11 2020 | 1.86 GB


With the entire production complete, the time has finally come for Greg Wells to pull up the multitrack for Bryce Drew's "Lucky Number" on the gorgeous, Sunset Sound Custom Discrete Console, loaded with API 550-A E's on every channel.

Watch as Greg:

Sets up a Hybrid workflow with both plugins and outboard gear
Tries out a Custom Warner Brother EQ on the stereo bus
Sets up a parallel bus with an outboard Neve 33609
Uses an outboard 1176 as a parallel vocal compressor
Creates an incredible stereo bus path using a Chandler Curve Bender and SSL style bus compressor
Sends everything to a Chandler Zener Limiter as a parallel bus, adding a whole new dimension to the mix.
Uses Neve Flying Fader Automation
Explains how he works in mono
Discusses lead vocal automation
Shares multiple stories from his career of working with other engineers and vital pieces of information he has learned over the years

Now that you have seen Greg and Bryce create an entire song from scratch through to a final mix, it is your turn to download the multitrack and sit in Greg's chair to mix the song for yourself, in its entirety!

Rev2 Notes

The first time one of the videos was at a very

low resolution of 428x240

Now both are at a resolution of 1920 x 1080

官网: https://www.puremix.net/video/start-to-finish-greg-wells-episode-10-mixing.htm

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