Rankin Audio Jump Up DnB 2 WAV

FANTASTiC | 19 February 2019 | 434 MB


Don your 5-panel hat, strap on your shotters bag, lace up your Classics and buckle up, it's time for Rankin Audio's Jump Up DnB Volume 2!!

Jam packed with some of the most intense bass and drum you are ever likely to find. Everything you need to get feet moving and chins swinging on a packed rave floor. Oodles of powerful bass stabs for you to create your own loops from all processed and expanded to fill all the right frequencies and do absolute destruction in the dance. Solid, thundering drum loops, expertly swung to give just the right bounce as the tearing synths fly about over the top like some kind of deranged, sonic dinosaur.

There is no shortage of full bass loops which can be chopped, screwed, looped and beyond to create your next Jump Up anthem and terrorise your neighbourhood and your next big sesh. We've also thrown in plenty of FX and of course some finely treated drum one shots that are sure not to disappoint.

Rankin Audio's Jump Up DnB 2 is in full effect, are you ready for the rewind?

Product Details:

? 24-Bit Quality
? 479 MB
? 20 Bass One-Shots
? 35 Bass Loops
? 15 Drum Loops
? 10 Kick Samples
? 10 Snare Samples
? 23 FX
? 14 Kick/Snare Loops
? 8 Pad Loops
? 12 Perc Loops
? 102 Short Bass Stabs
? 44 Synth Loops
? 14 Top Loops

官网: https://bit.ly/2ImX3Jv

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