Rankin Audio Techno Massive Presets Massive Presets

TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 22 September 2013 | 5.52 MB


Rankin Audio Techno Massive Presets contains everything you need to build a quality techno track ready to melt some willing faces. Basslines ranging from clicky and bouncy to hard and thumping, atmospherics and white noise risers, soundscapes and pads, to the all important synths and stabs. Many different percussive and rhythmic elements are also included, with each sound able to be manipulated across a track through macro controls, giving you the movement necessary to keep techno listeners engaged.

Inspired by the sounds of the likes of the Drumcode artists such as Adam Beyer and Joseph Capriati, through to favourites such as Plastikman, Mike Humphries, Ben Simms, and the harder sounds of the Advent and Industrialyzer. As with all Rankin Audio packs the quality is of the absolute highest standard so cue that demo track and feel the techno warmth in your chest.

In detail expect to find 20 white noise and riser presets, 8 atmosphere presets, 20 bass presets, 21 stab and bleep presets, 6 tones and drones, 4 impact presets, 14 misc presets, 11 pad presets and 21 percussive element presets.


20 White Noise & Riser Presets
08 Atmosphere Presets
20 Bass Presets
21 Stabs & Bleep Presets
06 Tones & Drones Presets
04 Impact Presets
14 Misc Presets
11 Pad Presets
21 Percussive Element Presets
.nmsv format

官网: http://bit.ly/2ylXTAd

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