WiN | 44.2 MB
RealSpeak“ Solo 4.0 software from Nuance is a text-to-speech engine designed for optimizing conversational applications for the embedded, mobile, and automotive markets. TTS, also known as speech synthesis, takes text as input from a variety of sources databases, email programs, Short Message Service (SMS), and more and converts it into natural sounding speech output in automotive navigational systems, electronic games, announcement systems, banking and retail kiosks, mobile devices, telematics, and many other end-user applications. Because RealSpeak“ Solo 4.0 converts text into speech delivered in an unparalleled choice of 22 languages and over 30 voices, customers can deliver conversational applications that attract and satisfy end users across the globe. Providing exceptionally high quality TTS across a range of footprints, RealSpeak“ Solo 4.0 scales from 8 to 20 MB for embedded and automotive applications, and up to 50 MB for desktop applications, making it ideally suited for a wide range of deployments where superior speech output is a critical requirement.
"Nanna" voice pack is Danish.