Released : Sep 30th, 2011 videos | 70 minutes
Finally, Reason 6 mixes!! That's because built right into Reason is the coolest SSL-style mixer ever created for any DAW! However, before you can mix, you’ve got to learn the tools!
In this tutorial, Reason’s Mixing Toolbox, Master Mixologist Mo Volans takes you though a mix from start to finish. Along the way you’ll learn about the Reason mixer’s different sections and its cool new tools. First, Mo explains the built-in dynamics section with its compression and gating on every channel strip! Next, Mo shows you how he uses the channel strip’s EQ and filters to bring out the inherent sonic character in every track.
The tutorial progresses into an extensive section on FX where you’ll learn how to set up the rack to receive sends from the channel strips and bring it all back again into the musical stew! Mo then explains the audio functionality of the insert and send effects and why you need to know the difference!
From there he examines the reverb, delay, modulation, distortion and saturation effects as he applies them to put a sonic sheen to the individual tracks in this ever-expanding remix. Not to be missed is the killer video about using the amazingly powerful Combinator in your mixes!
Finally, Mo takes you to Reason’s Mighty Master Channel! There you’ll learn all about master bus compression and how to use the master channel’s inserts and returns. This section is a teaser for Mo’s other new Reason 6 tutorial at, Reason’s Mastering Toolbox. Check it out!
So yes, now Reason 6 mixes, and you will too when you learn all about Reason’s Mixing Toolbox with Mix Master Mo Volans!