Team R2R | June 18 2014 | WiN 20.9 MB | OSX 10.3 MB
Reveal Sound has introduced Spire, a virtual synthesizer instrument
Spire features
4x multimode oscillators with polymorphing.
9x unison voices on each oscillator with Density (capable of imitate different types of unisons
like supersaw, hypersaw…)
2x multimode filters with 12 different types of filtering.
4x LFOs.
4x Envelopes.
Shaper, Phaser, Vowel, Chorus, Flanger, Delay, Reberb, EQ, Punch, Multiband Upward/Downward Compressor.
Spire Synthesizer update to v1.0.16 (2014.06.16 18:10)
- Improve stability
- Fixed: Factory banks install under MacOS
- Fixed: Reset controls on opening window
- Add: MacOS uninstall script
- Add: Allow multiple preset select on load