Rewind Samples Submerge: Deep Tech WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 12 November 2023 | 133.17 MB


Carving out the depths of the underground with understated minimalism and unpredictable percussive prowess, Submerge reflects the genre’s renowned stripped-back aesthetic along with additional low-end filling moments of glory, pushing the sound into bass-heavy territories. Worm your way through crowded club corridors and into a haven of pulsating electronic passion.

Mix-cutting tops and synthetic bubbles complement rough, thumping kicks and bassline movements. Inspired by the likes of boundary-pushing artists such as Duskus, Submerge playfully experiments with detuned components, wavering with analogue heat like a robot slowly rising from a long toy box slumber, glitching slightly due to its age, slowly but surely proving its authenticity and vision for a new future. By refining these quirky tonalities, this sample pack is sure to introduce ear-worming new sonics to your tracks, keeping audiences engaged throughout extended mixes. Wipe the grime off your speakers and reinstate bold flavours, unapologetically present and endlessly versatile within any producer’s box of tricks.

All sound content designed by Rewind Samples’ in-house team.

Rewind Samples ensure all recordings are exported in industry-standard, and the most versatile, 24-bit/44.1kHz WAV. Both loop and one-shot samples are always presented without any additional processing or effects to give producers maximum flexibility and control over their sound. We encourage you to chop, mash-up, and abstract these samples from their original forms to allow your creativity to flourish fully. Why not get digging through the wider Loopcloud catalogue too - see where you end up.

?237 MB
?10 Atmosphere Loops
?26 Bass Loops
?10 Full Drum Loops
?10 Drum Variation Loops
?10 Hat Loops
?10 Percussion Loops
?35 Synth Loops
?40 Tonal One-Shots
?10 Top Loops


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