Robin Nolan Essential Gypsy Jazz Licks Vol 2 PDF

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Want To Solo Like The Gypsies Do? Then Learn Like They Do.

Hey It’s Robin,

Here to tell you about my new Licks book, which is a killer.

Here’s the deal - If you’re looking to quickly and dramatically improve your soloing ability without getting bogged down with additional musical theory, then grab your copy and take advantage of this offer while it’s available. And then take what you learn and put it into action right away, at your next gig.

You will feel the difference in your playing, and your friends will hear it.

Let’s face it, most hard core gypsy players don’t spend years studying theory in school, they’ve been connecting to the source, listening and emulating and then improvising and developing their own style. That’s the approach you and I will take together on this one.

Essential Gypsy Jazz Guitar Licks volume 2 is packed full of juicy licks I’ve learned from masters like Django, Stochelo, and Bireli, as well as a few of my own choice originals; all covered in context over a set of must-know tunes in this style.

We’ll look at soloing over these songs -

- “Coquette”

- “Swing Gitane”

- “All Of Me”

- “For Sephora”

- “Tears“

For each song, I give you five complete chorus’s of solos using some of my best and coolest improvisational ideas including embellishing the melody, octave ideas, chordal inversions and straight up killer gypsy jazz licks. You’ll have them in standard notation & guitar tab.

Of course, I had to include Bireli Lagrene’s awesome opening to his solo on “Coquette” as well as a classic Stochelo lick on “For Sephora” which I learnt from the man himself. I’ve also included ideas over “All of Me” that I’ve been refining for years and which are really powerful; plus some killer classical sounding licks over “Swing Gitane”.

The ‘piece de resistance’ comes in “Tears” where I’ve written out Bireli’s stunningly beautiful solo he recorded on the Djangologists album where he improvises in a Bach like way to massive effect. I’ve dug in and broken this one down for you. Master this one and you’ll have the ladies swooning!

The licks you learn here can be applied to many songs.

Learning a lick in the context of a tune is vital because it gives you an anchor to hook it to. At that point, it’s not just theoretical - you know where you can put it to use.

But then you’ll quickly start to hear how you can throw these tasty licks in on other tunes in your repertoire. And that’s how your soloing range expands, by taking what you know works and applying it wherever it sounds good.

What’s Inside

- For each of the first four tunes, we cover 5 licks.

- For “Tears” we cover two licks, Bireli’s and my own. So 22 killer licks in all.

- The book covers each lick in standard notation & guitar tab.


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