Rockin Out - Popular Music in the U.S.A. (6th Edition)

English | Publisher: Pearson, 2014 | 552 Pages | PDF | 10 MB


Examines the social and business sides of rock history.
Rockin' Out: Popular Music In the U.S.A., 6/e, analyzes the music and business of rock ‘n roll. This comprehensive, introductory text takes readers from the invention of the phonograph to the promise of the Internet.

Topics include: the rise of television idols, the proliferation of alternative sounds, and the influence of digital production techniques.

- Provides A Historical Framework - The first three chapters provide a historical context by examining the pre-history of rock and roll. These chapters cover musical influences, technological advances, industry developments, and more.

- Engages Students Through Music - New listening guides in the final chapters enhance discussions of key artists like Lady Gaga and influential genres such as electronic dance music. An updated song index provides students with a useful study tool for locating song titles in the text and placing them in their historical context.

- Examines the Business of Music - Technology has shaped the production and consumption of popular music, and the text shows students how. An updated Chapter 12 puts more emphasis on changes in technology and the organization of the music business from the 1990s to the present.

- Explores Music’s Societal Impact - Coverage of music’s political context and the power of consumer preferences teaches students that music fans and artists are an important social force. Discussion of race and gender issues helps readers understand how these issues impact the development of music.

- Enhances Historical Narrative with New Co-author - Steve Waksman, professor at Smith College and heavily published rock scholar, has been brought on as co-author, thoroughly revising each chapter. Updates include new research and more current literature.


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