RPCX Rob Papen Go2 v1.0.1b CE-VR

VR | 19.12.2018 | 270 MB


In the Rob Papen world of synthesis there was one type of synthesizer missing… A synthesizer that has all of the controls and features available visually all at once. The current Rob Papen collection holds synthesizers which contain many features and types of synthesis which sometimes can be daunting to the average user. But there is always something tempting and fun in something that is so simple!

Look at the 1980's, in which we had top synthesizers like the Roland Jupiter-8, but also at the other end of the spectrum the simpler but fantastic synths like the SH-101. And yes, both became classic synthesizers.
Compare it also whilst making music, very often less is more and this is also can be applied whilst using synthesizers. Sure, with a heavily featured synthesizer, you can also be less complex in a patch. But this often still takes more time to achieve.

Presets / Folder & Global Section:
Over 750 Presets sorted in Bank Folders
Additional there is a ‘Quick Browser’, ‘Favorties’ and ‘Star’ system in the bank manager.
ECS (External MIDI Control) Go2 can modify its sound parameters dynamically in response to MIDI Messages received from an external controller. These settings can be saved and loaded from your HardDisk.
Help which opens up Go2's PDF manual.
Bank Manager
Go2 Logo Clicking on the Go2 logo takes you to the Back Panel. The Back Panel shows global settings and infrequently accessed controls.
Oscillator Section:
The heart of Go2 is the morph oscillator, this oscillator allows you to morph (using Go2's various morph modes) between two different waveforms.

First and Seconds Waveforms (Wave-A and Wave-B)
Oscillator Morph Mode.The Morph Mode menu determines how the oscillator combines the two waves First Wave and Second Wave. The modes are: Mix, Morph, Ring, FM, Inter and Range.
Oct setting
Spread (creates a stacked 2 oscillator sound)
Sub. The sub-oscillator knob lets you select two different waveforms being sinus or square..
Sym (Sym controls the symmetry of the oscillator waveform)
SMOD (Symmetry Modulation) Amount
Symmetry modulation controls how much the symmetry position changes over time.
SMOD (Symmetry Modulation) SpeedSmod Speed sets the frequency of the LFO that changes the symmetry position.
XY Section
The XY pad is combination of a live, interactive control and also an automated programmable modulation source
XY Controls

Edit (While in Edit mode, you can move the path's points around and thus edit the XY Path manually).
Play Speed (The Play Speed control alters the playback speed of the recorded XY Path)
Modes: Poly, Free or Mono
Loop modes: off, loop or bidirectional loop
Sync To (Tempo sync the XY movement)
Points (from 2 points up to 128 points)
Space Quantize (Space Quantize restricts the points in the current path to a set of grid lines)
Time Quantize (Time Quantize sets the update frequency of the XY position)
Draw Osc (the XY screen also shows the current oscillator output if you like)
Commands (XY Menu with the many additional options like preset path).
and more...

(Win32/64; AAX, VSTi)

官网: https://www.robpapen.com/go2.html

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