RV Samplepacks Sound Theory v1 Habersham WAV AiFF EXS24 KT3

WAV AiFF EXS24 KT3 | 337.78 MB


'Sound Theory 01: Habersham' represents countless hours of meticulous sound sculpting and masterful mixing, culminating in a 670MB+ pack including 80+ drum kits in Battery and EXS format. This pack also includes almost 200 drum and synth loops for ultimate versatility.

To create SoundTheory 01, Habersham spent countless hours sculpting and mastering over 670 MB of awe-inspiring, genre-transcending sounds. He specifically engineered this cutting-edge collection to work perfectly in both the studio and live performances. Whether you’re producing house, techno, breaks, drum and bass, or any other genre of electronic music, SoundTheory 01 will inspire you with Habersham’s finely-crafted assortment of loops, samples, and drum kits.

Note: All SoundTheory 01 samples are royalty-free and ready for unrestricted use in your original productions!

The complete SoundTheory 01 collection features over 80 individual drum hits, fully equipped with pre-made Battery and EXS24 drum kits. It also contains nearly 200 drum and synth loops (ranging from 60 to 160 BPM); 30 effects and ambient sounds; 20 pads; and 30 bass and synth stabs – all formatted as 24-Bit, 44 kHz WAV and AIFF files.

Tech Specs:

? 672 MB of Content
? 24Bit / 44 kHz
? 80+ Drum Hits
? 30 FX & Ambient Sounds
? 30 Bass & Synth stabs
? Drum patches for Battery & EXS
? Nearly 200 Drum & Synth Loops (60-160 BPM)

官网: https://www.producerloops.com/Download-RV_Sample-Packs-Sound-Theory-01-Habersham.html

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