Sample Magic Indie-Dance MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS

Team DYNAMiCS | Jul 2012 | 1.67 GB


Disco-trash, electro-thrash, indie-smash & rock'n'rave.
560+MB of discofied debauchery, mashing up lo-slung indie guitars, phunked up French synthery and Nuyorican disco beats, drum hits, FX and more.
Featuring a sweaty selection of disco-trash, electro-thrash and indie-smash, Indie-Dance packs in 100s of guitar hooks, distorted leads, retro-electro beats, livewire drums, twisted vox cuts and FX, plus 374 live-infused drum hits and chord shots.

What's in the collection?
? Drum Loops > From live-infused classic disco to Linn-drummed 80s nu wave: rocking beats laced with vintage warmth, all offered in full, stripped and variant versions for total flexibility.
? Top & Nu-Perc Loops > Live hats and snares, electronic hits, crisp claps and percussion seamlessly fuse across 57 retrofied electro loops. Pick the kick and roll..
? Bass Loops > Distortion-dipped live lines and filth-laden synth basses dripping with stomp-box grit.
? Music & Combi Loops > Rock'n'rave smash-ups and raved-up mash-ups to kick-start the mayhem.
? Synth Loops > Old skool techno, fusion electro and nu rave melodics combine: irrepressible synth hooks from the golden age of electronic music.
? Guitar & Bass Loops > Rockstar riffs, glitched power chords and snarling basslines drenched in all manner of fuzz for authentic post-punk inspiration.
? Drum Hits > Chunky kicks, live lounge hits, all-analogue shots, cowbell, shakers and more. 374 brazen beatbuilders.
? FX & FX Loops > Circuit-bent modulations, dirty noise loops, arcade game shots, dusty vinyl crackles and more.
? Vocal Loops > Sliced and diced, processed and pumped: twisted vocal cuts to get the party rocking.
All loops are sub-divided into tempo-linked folders at 122, 125 and 127bpm; all melodic loops are key-labelled.

Product format
? Digital download includes:
? 798 x 24-bit Wav loops and one-shots (564.8MB),
? 412 x Apple Loops / AIFFs (520.7MB),
? 412 x Rex2 Loops (373.5MB),
? 412 x Stylus-RMX Rex2 Loops (715.3MB),
? plus EXS24, HALion, Kontakt and NN-XT sampler patches,
? plus 12 page digital booklet (including hints and tips, kit list, folder guide and more).


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