Sample Magic MIDI Elements Future Melodics WAV MiDi-MAGNETRiXX

TEAM MAGNETRiXX 18 October 2014 | 97 MB


A genre-shaking hybrid of future electro, sultry R&B and lo-fi pop, packed with emotive and anthemic melodic tools in Wav and MIDI format.

Inspired by the proliferation of the new wave electronica that mashes sparse and soaring melodic motifs with pitched and wave-bent sounds — alongside 80s influences and lo-fi aesthetics — we bring you Future Melodics, packed fresh inspiration from the cutting-edge of electronica.

The collection is divided into Inspiration Loops (a mix of arps, bass, leads and chords written to work together) as well as standalone folders of Arps, Chords and Leads. All MIDI files come with a corresponding Wav loop so you can take advantage of our honed synth sounds and additional outboard processing with instant drag-and-drop ease.

The flexibility of having the MIDI file means that you’re not limited to just one sound - fire up any preset or sound source of your choice to be triggered by the MIDI. Not only that, but you can edit MIDI notes, timings, velocities, keys, tempos and a whole lot more, giving you the flexibility and freedom to make them your own.

Need some sounds to accompany the MIDI? Check out Lo-Fi Electronica Patches or Sylenth Chillwave Patches 2.

Please note: the audio demo contains drum and vocal samples NOT included in the pack. This pack contains melodic Wav loops and MIDI files only.

Download contains:

101 x MIDI loops
101 x 24-bit Wav loops


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