Sample Magic SM 170 Synthwave 3 MULTiFORMAT

Belamusic | MULTiFORMAT | 1.51 GB


Retro melodics, futuristic analogue synths, vintage beats and neon nostalgia in this latest installation of our popular series. Synthwave 3 delivers 1.4GB+ of drum machine grooves, epic arpeggios, lush pads and emotive chords fusing action-packed soundtrack excursions and movie heaven.

For complete control of all the elements contained in this pack, we have included 2 Ableton Sampler Racks and 4 Ableton FX Racks Racks – dive even deeper into this collection with macro assigned features and fx-laced chains for top-notch creative control. All elements of this pack were sculpted for maximum character, width and punch for unparalleled quality. The Synthwave 3 racks are ready to get you inspired on your next retro production.

1367 x 24 bit Wav files
149 x MIDI Files
2 x Ableton adg Sampler Racks
4 x Ableton adg FX racks
20 x Reveal Sound Spire presets
27 x Xfer Records Serum presets

Drum Hits:

75 x Claps
95 x Cymbals (crash and ride)
90 x Hats
80 x Kicks
70 x Percussion
85 x Snares
90 x Toms
5 Custom Kits for Maschine 2, Battery 4, Kong, EXS24 and Ableton Drum Rack
5 Sampler Formats for Kontakt, NN-XT, EXS24 and Ableton Drum Rack

**Please Note - Ableton Live Suite 9.7.5 or later is required to run the Ableton racks. Xfer's Serum 1.203 is required to use the Serum Presets. Reveal Sound's Spire 1.1.12 is required to use the Spire presets.


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