MIDI | 238Kb英文简介: How Can You Easily Produce Hit Songs With Predictab...
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WAV MiDi | 548Mb英文简介: Victor Ruiz’s first and only sample pack is fin...
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WAV MiDi | AudioZ Exclusive | 738.18 MB英文简介: Lift your Techno product...
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P2P | 21 December 2023 | 498 MB英文简介: Immerse yourself in the world of...
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FANTASTiC | 21 December 2023 | 995 MB英文简介: Includes 50+ Serum Presets...
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Team ARCADiA | WAV MiDi | 276.51 MB英文简介: Basement ready rhythms, mena...
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FANTASTiC | 20 December 2023 | 243 MB英文简介: -25 Vocal One Shots -25 L...
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FANTASTiC | 20 December 2023 | 186 MB英文简介: Melody Pack Vol.1 includes...
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GTA | 19 December 2023 | 2.89 GB英文简介: All new unreleased Cymatics sam...
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FANTASTiC | 19 December 2023 | 168 MB英文简介: Check out our brand new Da...
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