Presets for Minimonsta 2 | 5.08 MB英文简介: Monsters Vol. 1 is a collecti...
2024-09-10 17 0 1 5
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Presets for nakst Altitude synthesizer | 2.75 MB英文简介: High Altitude V...
2024-09-10 39 0 1 5
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Team ARCADiA | Nebula Library | 1.1 GB英文简介: The Modern Flagship eQual...
2024-09-09 14 0 1 5
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The FunkTones Collective | Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV | 34.19 MB英文简介: ...
2024-09-09 32 0 1 5
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Plugin Extension For Proteus and NAM (AU, VST3, AAX) | AudioZ Exclusive | 50....
2024-09-09 12 0 1 5
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Presets & Theme for Vital | 14.2 MB英文简介: Vitality Mathwaves Edition c...
2024-09-09 15 0 1 5
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Presets for Integrate Synthesizer by nakst | 861 KB英文简介: Combination ...
2024-09-09 19 0 1 5
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Team ARCADiA | Behringer Edge Soundset | 390.20 MB英文简介: Welcome to th...
2024-09-08 58 0 1 5
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Serum Presets | AudioZ Exclusive | 253.34 MB英文简介: Analog sonics from ...
2024-09-08 36 0 1 5
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WAV MiDi Serum Presets + Project Files | AudioZ Exclusive | 1.48 GB + 2.76 GB...
2024-09-08 19 0 1 5
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