Echo Sound Works Vocal Chops FOR XFER RECORDS SERUM [FREE]
13.10.2019 | FOR XFER RECORDS SERUM | 42 MB英文简介:
We put together a co...
11.10.2019 | WAV | 17 MB英文简介:
We sampled a bunch of unique sources to...
Echo Sound Works Spook Night Halloween Samples WAV SERUM PRESETS [FREE]
110 SERUM PRESETS + 150 WAV09.10.2019 | WAV | 205 MB英文简介:
I wanted to...
Mario Nieto World Pokesample Ball AMXD For Ableton Live [free]
AMXD - 3MB英文简介:
PokeSample Ball is a tool to capture sounds coming fr...
Mario Nieto World MidiFidget AMXD For Ableton Live [free]
AMXD - 3MB英文简介:
Midifidget is a relaxing and creative tool. Simply cl...
Mario Nieto World Random Chords Generator AMXD For Ableton Live [free]
AMXD - 3MB英文简介:
Random Chords Generator is an instrument built to cre...
ADSR Sounds MIDI Grid (Grid-Based Generative MIDI Sequencer for Reaktor) [FREE]
FREE | 88.7 MB英文简介:
MIDI Grid is a generative MIDI sequencer that can...
ADSR Sounds Simple Scratch (Vinyl Scratch Effect for Reaktor) [FREE]
FREE | 28.5 MB英文简介:
Using Simple Scratch is easy – to begin, load in ...
ProdbyJack Analog Colours (Omnisphere Bank)
FANTASTiC | 01 October 2019 | 25 MB英文简介:
Over 50 presets inspired by ...
Output Spacetime Movement Expansion MAC/WiN
MAC & WiN - 5,7 MB英文简介:
Spacetime Expansion Pack
- Maneuver throug...