11 NOVEMBER 2016 | WIN | 3 MB
SaschArt has announced the released PanENV, a new pan envelope VST effect plugin for 32-bit hosts in Windows operating systems.
PanENV is a stereo control/enhancer plugin that can position the output anywhere from left to right. Its “Pan Offset” knob is for a basic panning control; the “Pan Width” knob acts like a stereo enhancer.
It features a MIDI controlled envelope and a side signal volume control. The envelope consists of attack, hold and release and lets you choose from five envelope shapes (one linear, and the other four are combinations of slow + fast attack and decay).
?Pan out from left to right with pan offset.
?Envelope from midi input with attack, hold, and decay.
?Pan width for stereo enhanced.
?Pan offset to play around.
?Enhance volume in sides for nice effects.
?Few envelope shapes.
?Persistent envelope after note off.
官网: http://vst.saschart.com/panenv