06.01.2020 | x64 x86 VST WiN | 3 MB
SN01-G is a dynamic range compression VST plug-in, inspired by two classic VCA buss compressors of UK and US variety. It has linked feed-forward topology, with highly variable knee, optional internal side-chain filtering and 'push' effect, and adjustable wet/dry ratio (alongside the mandatory controls for threshold, ratio, gain, and envelope).
The plug-in is designed to work both as musically pleasing buss glue while also being an efficient channel insert with low ASIO/CPU footprint.
Delving further into the details, the features look like this:
threshold from +20dB to -20dB (zero mark is at -20dBFS)
ratio from 1:1 (no compression) to infinity (brick-wall)
gain up to +24dB
attack in range from 0.03ms to 30ms
release in range from 50ms to 2 seconds
adjustable knee width 0-24dB (0dB = hard-knee)
adjustable knee strength (0% = hard knee)
2 optional filters for internal side-chain
optional ‘push’ effect for more extreme compression
dry/wet control for parallel compression (0-100%)
no saturation modelling
Maybe it would be also useful to add that the effect works in stereo, i.e. you can put it on both mono and stereo tracks. I think that it’s a pretty much given in this day and age, but just in case anyone would wonder.
Well, if you are in need of a VCA like compressor with the ability to adjust all meaningful parameters of audio compression process, one that’s without excessive digital fakery of so-called ‘mojo’ (whatever that means), SN01-G is made for you. If, on top of it all, you like to play it solely by ear, SN01 is your match made in heaven.
官网: https://senderspike.wordpress.com/2019/11/12/sn01g/