22.08.2018 | MULTiFORMAT | 20-170 MB each
We partnered with noted synthesist Kurt Kurasaki to fill up three drum racks with modular synth percussion sounds. Completely original, these can take your productions to the next level. Rich bass, mix-cutting snares, distinct toms and pings, and wild and weird electronics are laid out for the classic 4x4 pads of the Music Production overlay.
Not just a vintage sound, these kits are made with a mix of modern and classic modular synths, recorded with top end professional gear. In some cases, we've added some post-processing and effects, but for the most part, we are providing you with the original sounds, ready to drop into your own mix.
官网: https://sensel.com/collections/sound-packs/products/kurasaki-analog-drums