SkillShare Adobe Premiere CC 2019 QUICKSTART (Zero to Hero) TUTORiAL

P2P | 12 April 2019 | 1.2 GB


Our Adobe Premiere CC 2019 Video editing course is designed for beginners, Youtubers, Travel vloggers, Online Course instructors, Corporate video editors that just need the essential knowledge to edit things like a Youtube Travel Music Video or a A multi-camera interview event with professional audio sound.

I have 8 years of experience filming and video editing for corporate clients, Youtube vlogs and travel music videos, stock footage, and online courses. I have 14 published courses on Udemy and have honed my craft of teaching, filming, and video editing to come together on this course.

This course is designed in a logical way where I will supply you with exciting Travel Footage so that you may follow along and practice the course. The footage is shot in the exotic Maldives where you have access to 4K drone footage, gopro underwater footage, and 4K footage from a high powered Panasonic GH5 camera.

The Tutorials are taught by me and are interactive and will cover a full workflow from importing footage to publishing a Youtube Video with music. We are going to start with a tour of the program and workspaces and advance to importing footage, organizing your assets, working with the time-line, apply advanced transitions and effects, and end by exporting the finished video file. As a bonus I’m going to let you see my workflow for publishing your finished video to a youtube channel.

We are also going to analyze a finished multi-camera finished client project and teach you how to take such an edit in Adobe Premiere. We’re going to cover advanced topics like multi-camera video editing to give you the skills to handle professional clients.


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