Skillshare Cubase Chord Track Best Practices TUTORiAL

P2P | 23 May 2021 | 896 MB


Have you ever wanted to change the chords in your recording or music production, but couldn't figure out how to do it without ruining your whole project? If you are a producer who wants maximum flexibility with this kind of advanced edit… this course will be a game changer!

Have you ever wanted to change the chords in your recording or music production, but couldn't figure out how to do it without ruining your whole project? If you are a producer who wants maximum flexibility with this kind of advanced edit… this course will be a game changer!

I've produced and recorded, edited and mixed in Cubase for years and I've always been quick to adopt new features with every new version. When the chord track was announced, I was excited. But, when I learned to use it… well, it became an essential part of my workflow. In this course I'll share my insights and strategies for working more flexibly with chord progressions in your Cubase productions!

In this class, you'll learn:

?How to find chords to create new progressions
?How to build complex progressions
?How to record on a keyboard (without being a piano player)
?How to extract a chord track from a MIDI clip!
?Tips, tricks and more…

If you're a seasoned Cubase user who isn't taking advantage of the Chord Track, this course will offer you a quick jumping off point. If you're new to Cubase and trying to identify production best practices, then you'll certainly want the Chord Track to feature in your workflow! Thanks for check out this course - stick around and learn from my experience!


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