Skillshare FL Studio Musical Theory for Dance Music Production TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 19 April 2022 | 384 MB


Welcome to this course on Musical Theory, specifically geared towards music production using a DAW. I will be taking you through some of the basic examples of musical theory related to dance music production.

This course is designed for people who have also done my Beginner's Guide to FL Studio course, and/or have looked at building a track themselves.

This is designed to tie in with the concepts that you will learn through both of these classes, in order to further your capabilities as a music producer. We recommend that you do both of these courses first, before looking at some of my other courses to then learn how to produce music in more detail!

What do we go through in this course?
?Why is musical theory important?
?What are Major and Minor Keys?
?The three main types of Minor Keys
?Chord Progressions
?How to Import MIDI Files

And so much more!

At the start of the course, we look at some of the basic theories underlying music, from scales and keys to chord progressions. We then look at some of the most important chord progressions that are used today - including both the major and minor keys

Being able to import and export MIDI files is particularly important as it allows you to reuse melodies across projects, without having to start all over again, and without necessarily using the same instrument as before either. We look at how to do this as well!


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