Skillshare How To Mix Vocals IN LOGIC PRO X A Beginners Guide to Easily Mixing Hip Hop Vocals TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 14 January 2022 | 584 MB


Ever wonder how artists make their music sound so good? It’s all in the mixing. Even when big musicians are touring on the road and recording in hotel rooms they sound professional because their engineers are so good.

I can’t promise that after this class you’ll sound like Drake. BUT I can teach you the basics so you’re one step closer to getting there. With over 10 years of experience mixing, recording, and writing records I’ve put together the complete beginners guide to mixing rap and hip-hop vocals.

What’s Special About This Course?
I’ve taken my fair share of tutorials and online classes over the years. There are some amazing resources out there. However, research shows that online learning isn't about watching, it's about doing.

I've put together the stem files for you so that you can follow along and mix with me as we go.

I'll show you exactly how I approach the project, and also give you complete autonomy to make creative choices throughout the process on your own.

Another special aspect of this course: You're not alone.

I've helped hundreds of students over the years and dedicate time each week to answering questions.

Once you submit a project you can reach out and get support from me personally.

I listen to every student submission.

This is an opportunity to network with like minded individuals and hone your skills, which is a great way to improve quickly and get support in real time. No one learns in a vacuum.

I understand that it takes time, practice, and constructive feedback to continually improve. This isn’t a one and done deal. If you’re serious about stepping up your mixes you’ll need another set of well trained ears to help you get there.

I’m a real living breathing person (for the most part) so if you have questions don't be afraid to reach out.

So, what’s next?

1) Download the stems for the class project.
2) Open your preferred DAW (I'll be using Logic here) and import the stems
3) Watch the course and start mixing!

here are so many lessons I picked up over the years and through my time behind the scenes in the music industry that have helped me immensely and I’ll share them with you throughout these courses.

One of the biggest gems I’ve learned is this: Do it yourself.

No one is going to care about your music as much as you do. If you have the DRIVE to succeed and the HUNGER to develop your craft you’ll be able to make it. This is the era of no gatekeepers. No excuses.

So what are you waiting for?

Mixing is a skill that is incredibly marketable and distinguishes between an amateur and a professional level sound.

I’m not saying you’ll become a rockstar overnight. But with what I teach you in this course and the persistence to apply it you’ll be that much closer.


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